Platform Usage FAQ

  • What will happen when I withdraw my deposits? You will receive your LP token back, together with the earnings that auto-compounded by Baklava Space. Other than that, we also auto-harvest/auto-claim the $BAVA rewards to your wallet.

  • Can I claim my $BAVA rewards while keeping my deposits? Of course. Feel free to claim your $BAVA anytime while enjoying the growth of your deposits in Baklava Space.

  • How often Baklava Space performs LP harvest from TraderJoe/ Pangolin/vaults and reinvest? Depending on user actions that triggers harvest, LP tokens are normally harvested multiple times daily and profits are automatically reinvested (compounded). You can check all the transactions here (explorer link to Baklava's contract).

  • How is the fee structure in Baklava Space? You can find more details in fees.

  • What is $BAVA pending balance? $BAVA pending balance is the total $BAVA rewards that you earned, but yet to be claimed.

  • What are some partnerships? Announcements are update regulars on our Twitter or Medium, some examples of partnerships we have are: - Pangolin has launched $BAVA Super Farm on Pangolin DEX. - Pangolin - Baklava Space AMA recording. - Coin98 Wallet integration. - Chainlink integration on Baklava Space.

Last updated