🍬Purse Staking Vault
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The Purse Staking Vault will auto-compound user's Purse staking rewards and restake them to the pool. Users can earn more Purse yield together with extra BAVA rewards.
Vault restake $PURSE to Purse Staking pool and help auto-compounded $PURSE rewards
For $PURSE holders that like to earn auto-compounded yield
Yield Source
$PURSE staking rewards and $BAVA rewards
Principal protected as $PURSE is delegated back to the staking pool
Start Date
February 2024
Withdrawal fees
0.5% of the withdrawal amount; will be restaked back to the vault and shared amongst vault LPs.
Management fees
5% of the yield (principal is not charged)
Compounder fees/ reward
1% of the yield as compounder fees, and given to the address that initiated the claim so the compounder compounder will help everyone collect fees and earn the compounder fee as reward (platform does not take any).
If you want to stake the $PURSE, choose ‘Purse Staking’ and deposit your $PURSE.
After depositing the $PURSE token, you can check $stPURSE in your wallet.
This vault maximizes your yield and enjoy the benefit of being free from the risk of impermanent loss.
For PURSE Staking, there is a 21-day period for withdrawals.